Travel & Mobility


A critical component of our community is our integration with the greater Denver area, and we've worked hard to improve those connections and provide sustainable mobility options for everyone on and around campus. We're partnering with local transportation utilities and other organizations to offer access to public transit, 汽车共享和自行车计划, offering our student body the chance to explore Denver's vibrant cultural and professional scenes with minimal environmental impact.

还有像RTD这样的组织, Transportation Solutions and the Denver Regional Council of Governments, we continue to improve those options while developing new ways to relieve congestion in the city and reduce carbon emissions from commuting and travel.

DU is leading the way in transportation options in providing an on-demand campus shuttle. Shuttle routes are designed to connect from residence halls and the light rail station to classrooms, 通勤时间的实验室和办公室. During the middle of the day, use the Tripshot app to hail a ride to and from any of the 15 stops. 这提供了去杂货店购物的途径, 咖啡店, dining, 以及整个南丹佛的娱乐活动. All shuttle rides are free to anyone with a DU ID and a boarding pass in the Tripshot app. 在停车场找到更多信息 流动服务网站.


Our campus is uniquely suited to lead in sustainable mobility, as our location and investments have enabled us to connect seamlessly with Denver's public transit systems. An RTD light rail station sits just across the street at the north end of campus, and several bus lines offer service along Evans Avenue and University Boulevard. We empower our community to utilize public transit to get around the city as much as possible, providing College Passes to all undergraduates and most graduate students, 加上教职员工的电子通行证. 这两种通行证都允许无限制地访问RTD服务, 包括丹佛的机场列车, 从联合车站到丹佛国际机场的哪条.



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带自行车去学校? Make sure you register your bike and keep your registration current each year while you're on campus. 这有助于防止自行车被盗.



DU Bike Shop

The DU Bike Shop makes bicycle access more available for everyone on campus. 我们的学生, on-campus bike shop provides free services — only charging for parts — to keep your bike on the road. 该商店位于内格尔大厅的地下室.

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DU Ski Bus

The Alpine Club runs a ski bus that operates most weekends during the winter quarter, taking students up to various ski mountains so that our community can enjoy the natural splendor of the Rockies while reducing transportation emissions.

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Bustang is a statewide bus services that offers connections to many of the cities outside Denver, 包括像博尔德这样的热门目的地, 科罗拉多斯普林斯, 普韦布洛和柯林斯堡.

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Car Sharing

ZipCar provides vehicles for occasional short-term use as an alternative to bringing a car to campus. Additionally, ZipCar has partnered with DU to offer discounted memberships for students, faculty, and staff. eGo和Maven等其他服务也在丹佛运营, so it's almost always possible to get around without owning a car.

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想了解更多yzcca88游戏登录网址照顾你的自行车? Come to a quarterly class hosted by the Center for 可持续性 and learn the basics of bike mechanics and safety guidelines for biking around campus and the city.

Dockless摩托车 & Bicycles

There are several dockless scooter and bike operators functioning in Denver, and while it's illegal to ride them on campus or on sidewalks, 这是一种不用开车就能在城市里游逛的好方法.

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Campus Safety is committed to helping you keep your bike safe at DU. 阅读他们的建议,了解如何做到这一点




学生乘坐的航班, faculty and staff account for around 15 percent of the University's total carbon footprint, and we're working to promote new solutions that support investment from the community in more equitable, 可持续旅游解决方案.

Study abroad programs produce a large portion of our travel emissions, as a large percentage of our undergraduates take at least one semester to live and learn in countries around the world. 为了减轻旅行对环境的影响, 我们建立了碳抵消伙伴关系 本地能源,一个表演的地方组织 南乌特印第安部落土地上的甲烷捕获 在科罗拉多州南部. Students can opt-in to the offset program and make a local impact with global effects.

Want to offset your travel and support our sustainability efforts? 通过点击向碳补偿基金捐款 here or by texting "CARBON" to 41444, and help our community fight for a more sustainable future.

Are you getting ready to study abroad and want to learn more about offsetting your travel? Learn more here.
