
由法律规定, the yzcca88游戏登录网址 is required to furnish form 1098-T each tax year to enrolled students who are US citizens or permanent residents. This form may assist you in determining eligibility for education tax credits or deductions.

Form 1098-T is sent each year to any student who had qualified tuition 和 related expenses charged to their account in the preceding calendar year.

有关税收抵免和减免的更多信息可在 国税局的网站 或致电1-800-TAX-FORM. 美国国税局出版物970,教育税收优惠国税局表格8863,教育学分 特别有用.

yzcca88游戏登录网址不能提供税务建议. 请参阅相关的国税局表格和出版物或咨询税务顾问, 而不是yzcca88游戏登录网址, for explanations regarding eligibility for 和 calculations of any allowable tax credits or deductions.


The information that universities are required to provide on Form 1098-T does not necessarily correspond to the information you may need to calculate any education tax credits or deductions for which you may be eligible. Universities are required to report payments received for qualified tuition 和 related expenses in the calendar year (Box 1).

The IRS requires universities to report on a calendar year, rather than academic year. 因此, the amount reported in Box 1 includes any amounts billed in calendar year 2022 for Winter Quarter 2023 or Spring Semester 2023. The amount reported in Box 5 also includes any 奖学金 和 grants credited in calendar year 2022 for Winter Quarter 2023 or Spring Semester 2023.

The IRS requires universities to reduce the amount of billed charges by any tuition waiver proceeds. 如果您在日历年内收到任何类型的学费减免, 您将看到第1栏中报告的费用减少.

You may view an itemized listing of the financial activity found on your 1098-T form through MyDU. 参见下面的说明.

  • 如何在网上查阅1098-T表格


    1. 登录 DUPay
    2. 选择My Account | Statements | 1098-T Tax Statement
    3. 选择您希望看到的年份旁边的操作图标
    4. 选择视图


    1. 登录 MyDU
    2. 选择学生资源
    3. 选择财务账户管理
    4. 1098-T税表
    5. 输入要查看的纳税年度并单击Submit

    将显示所选纳税年度的补充1098-T表格. Detailed information can be viewed by scrolling down the page or clicking the amounts in the 1098-T form. You may print the form from your web browser to assist you in your tax preparation.

  • 1098-T表格交付

    1098-T forms are located in DUPay under My Account | Statements | 1098-T Tax Statement.

    Per IRS regulations, 1098-T forms are only sent to US citizens 和 permanent residents. 如果你不是美国公民或永久居民, 你可以发邮件给财务司办公室(bursar@du)申请1098-T表格.edu.

    If you do not receive your 1098-T form by January 31, or if your address has changed, please 请与财务处联络.

  • 社会安全号码

    由法律规定, you are required to provide your correct Taxpayer Identification Number (Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)) to persons who are required to file information returns with the IRS. 如果你没有提供正确的SSN或ITIN给yzcca88游戏登录网址, you are subject to a penalty of $50 imposed by the IRS unless your failure is due to reasonable cause 和 not to willful neglect. Periodic reviews will be done by the University to check for students without SSNs on file. Those students will be sent requests to submit SSN information online through PioneerWeb or to submit a completed IRS Form W-9S, Request for Student's or Borrower's Taxpayer Identification Number 和 Certification.

    要在大学更新您的SSN,请登录 MyDU,然后去 Student Resources | Financial Account Management | Update Social Security or Taxpayer ID Number.

    Alternatively, you can complete 和 submit Form W-9S, which can be found on the 国税局的网站, http://www.irs.gov / pub / irs-pdf / fw9s.pdf. 填妥的表格应送交财务处. Forms can be delivered in person, 邮件ed via US Mail, or faxed to 303-871-4401.



  • 为什么我没有收到1098-T表格?
    • 您不是美国公民或永久居民;
    • You did not have had a valid address on file with DU on January 1; or
    • You did not have any qualified tuition or related expenses charged to your account in the calendar year.

    Please note, 1098-T notifications are sent electronically to your DU e邮件 address.

    如果你觉得你应该收到1098-T表格,但没有, 请致电303-871-4944或studentbilling@sotanomc.net.

  • 我的1098-T表格可以通过U寄给我吗.S. 邮件?

    1098-T表格以电子方式载入你的DUPay. 如果您希望以后的1098-T表格邮寄给您, 你必须以书面形式通知学生账单办公室. The form will be 邮件ed to the address the University has on file for you as of January 1. 表格的在线副本显示了您的表格的邮寄地址.

  • 我是否需要连同报税表一并递交1098-T表格?

    纳税人无须连同报税表一并递交1098-T表格. 这份文件应该和你的个人档案一起保存.

  • 你能把1098-T表格直接寄给我的报税员吗?

    No. 你必须向你的准备人提供一份表格的副本.



  • 第1栏中的金额是什么意思?

    The amount reported in Box 1 is the total amount of payments received for qualified tuition 和 related expenses from all sources during the calendar year. The IRS rules define qualified tuition 和 related expenses as tuition 和 fees required for enrollment. 合格费用不包括食宿费, 健康保险, 医疗费用或其他个人费用. 另外, 如果您在日历年内收到任何类型的学费减免, the amount of charges reported in Box 1 will be reduced by the amount of tuition waiver proceeds.

  • 为什么是盒子2 & 3空白?

    框2 & 3 is reserved for future use by the IRS; there are no current reporting requirements to be completed in Box 2 or 3.

  • 第4栏中的金额是什么意思?

    The amount reported in Box 4 includes adjustments during the calendar year for tuition 和 related expenses that were reported in prior calendar years.

  • 第5栏中的金额是什么意思?

    方框5中报告的数额包括所有赠款, 奖学金, 以及由杜克大学财政援助办公室管理和处理的豁免, as well as payments received by the university from governmental agencies for VA, 参加后备役军官训练军团, 或其他类似的福利.

    It does not include outside 奖学金 that are not processed through DU’s Financial Aid Office. 然而, those amounts may need to be considered when calculating education tax credits or deductions.

    除了, the scholarship 和 grant amounts reported in Box 5 may include scholarship amounts for room 和 board, which may not need to be considered when calculating education tax credits or deductions.

  • 第6栏中的金额是什么意思?

    The amount reported in Box 6 includes adjustments during the calendar year for 奖学金 和 grants that were reported in prior calendar years.

  • DU的税号/申报人号/EIN是什么?

    DU的tax ID是84-0404231.

  • 为什么我没有收到1098-T表格?
    • 您不是美国公民或永久居民;
    • You did not have had a valid address on file with DU on January 1; or
    • You did not have any qualified tuition or related expenses charged to your account in the calendar year.

    Please note, 1098-T notifications are sent electronically to your DU e邮件 address.

    如果你觉得你应该收到1098-T表格,但没有, please call 303-871-4521.

  • 我的1098-T表格可以通过U寄给我吗.S. 邮件?

    1098-T表格以电子方式载入你的DUPay. 如果您希望以后的1098-T表格邮寄给您, 你必须以书面通知财务处. The form will be 邮件ed to the address the University has on file for you as of January 1. 表格的在线副本显示了您的表格的邮寄地址.

  • 我是否需要连同报税表一并递交1098-T表格?

    纳税人无须连同报税表一并递交1098-T表格. 这份文件应该和你的个人档案一起保存.

  • 你能把1098-T表格直接寄给我的报税员吗?

    No. 你必须向你的准备人提供一份表格的副本.