Undocumented Students

ca88登录正确网址致力于减少学生可能面临的任何障碍. 而无证学生获得经济援助的资格有限, 并且没有资格获得任何联邦援助,如佩尔助学金和联邦学生贷款, 我们很高兴能够从yzcca88游戏登录网址和科罗拉多州提供某些类型的资金.

Institutional 援助

As with all students accepted to DU, 我们考虑无证和童年入境延期行动(DACA)的学生,最高为33美元,000 per year in merit scholarships. 获得优秀奖学金的学生(落基山奖学金除外)也会自动获得3美元的奖学金,000 Residence Hall Grant. 人才奖学金是根据在体育、音乐、戏剧、演讲和艺术方面的成就颁发的.

此外,DACA和无证学生可能有资格获得 DU Educational Grant. 因为这项奖助金是以需要为基础的,你必须提交 CSS Profile to be considered. 如果您提交了CSS档案并希望获得基于需求的援助,请ca88登录正确网址的办公室.

无证和DACA学生也可能有资格获得学术部门为在读学生提供的某些礼物和捐赠奖学金. 有资格获得其中一个奖项, 你必须提交院系奖学金申请, which opens in February each year.


Colorado State 援助


Eligibility Requirements:


  • have graduated from a Colorado high school or was physically present in Colorado f或在 least one year immediately preceding the date you successfully completed a high school equivalency examination in Colorado; 和
  • 在入读杜克大学之前,至少连续12个月在科罗拉多州居住.

Steps to 应用 for CO State 援助:

  1. 应用 for admission to DU (if you aren’t already a student).
  2. Complete the CSS Profile application. Our school code is 4842.
  3. Submit the Colorado Residency Form 到yzcca88游戏登录网址注册办公室.
  4. 与大学机会基金(COF)完成宣誓书:
    1. http://cof.college-assist.org/ 和 click “应用 Now!”
    2. Enter your date of birth
    3. 从“社会安全#”下拉框中选择“我没有或不希望提供我的社会安全号码”,然后单击Next.
    4. 选择“否”yzcca88游戏登录网址并发注册或ASCENT的问题.
    5. 在移民身份问题上选择“不”之后, 从高中毕业或GED中选择一个, 在页面底部输入你的信息.
    6. 继续完成应用程序并单击“提交”.”

Please Note: 虽然你需要完成大学机会基金宣誓书作为申请过程的一部分, 无证学生没有资格在yzcca88游戏登录网址获得COF.

Contact Us

如果你有兴趣申请科罗拉多援助, please contact our Associate Director, 凯利 Graves, to help you through the process. She can be reached at 303-871-2331 或在 凯利.Graves@sotanomc.net.

view of Denver from campus

Private Scholarships


MALDEF Resources

Other Scholarships 和 Resources

aerial view of campus

Inclusive Excellence Resources & Services

Find institutional, 当地的, 州和国家的资源和服务,支持和解决我们的国际需求, immigrant, 穆斯林, undocumented 和 DACAmented students.

Inclusive Excellence Resources



Financial 援助