
校园 employers who employ students with work-study have a few extra responsibilities, 但我们是来帮忙的! Find important information about the work-study program below 和 many more resources for becoming an effective supervisor through 学生就业.

Are you a nonprofit or government agency in Colorado that improves the quality of life for community residents? You may be eligible to become part of the community service work-study program!




Post or manage your work-study position through the Pioneer Careers Online job board.



准备雇佣一个学生? 获取过程中每一步的分步说明.



Find resources to help you recruit, hire 和 develop your student employees.



Work-study is a type of need-based financial aid that allows students to work on-campus to earn money to help pay for educational expenses. Only students who have work-study included in their financial aid offer can apply for a work-study position. Wages for these positions are primarily paid through funding from the U.S. Department of Education, with a small portion matched by the University.


  • 提交FAFSA并与将军会面 联邦援助资格要求
  • Have it included in their financial aid offer 和 accept it in MyDU
  • Be enrolled at least half time (6 credits or more for undergraduates, 研究生4学分或以上)

Due to limited funding, not all students who would otherwise be eligible will be offered work-study. The amount a student is offered is the maximum amount they can earn for the academic year. 提供的典型奖励金额如下:

  • 一年级本科生2500美元
  • 2年级、3年级和4年级本科生3000美元
  • 研究生5000美元

Students who don't have work-study included in their financial aid offer may request to be added to the waitlist by sending an email to workstudy@sotanomc.net.

Work-study employees are paid every two weeks for hours worked. Paychecks are not applied directly to the DU tuition bill—they are sent directly to the student via direct deposit.

Offices can hire as many students with work-study as they deem appropriate. 然而, many times there are more work-study positions available than there are students with work-study. 

Additional information about this program is available in the 勤工俭学政策指南.



  • I already have a student I want to hire 和 don't need to recruit. 我一定要把招聘启事贴出来吗?

    对于勤工俭学的职位,在那里 必须 在PCO中被批准的职位描述. 然而,它不需要张贴给学生看.

    For non-benefited positions, you don't need a job description listed in the job board.

  • 我雇佣了和去年一样的勤工俭学员工. 我还需要提交另一份背景调查吗?

    可能不是. If the student was previously employed at DU within the last 120 days, 不需要再进行背景调查. 然而, you 必须 still submit the hiring request through MyDU in order to hire the student.

  • 学生每周可以学习几个小时?

    While there isn't a limit to the number of hours a student can work per week, we don't recommend that students enrolled full time work more than 20 hours per week. 然而, work-study funds cannot be used to pay for overtime hours. Wages for hours worked over 40 hours per week 必须 be paid out of departmental funds.

  • 学生可以在大学休息时间工作吗?

    是的. 如果部门是开放的,主管可以批准时间, 学生可以在休息时间(包括寒假)工作, 春假, 等.). 然而, remember that work-study funds cannot be used to pay for overtime hours.

  • 学生的工作时间有限制吗?

    是的. Work-study earnings are limited to the student's work-study award. 例如, 如果学生的勤工俭学奖励是3美元,000, that's the maximum amount he or she can earn during that academic year. Be sure to factor that in when putting together your student's work schedule. 你可以通过Banner表格来监控收益 RZIWORK.

    Non-benefited students can only work up to 1,000 hours per year.

  • 学生可以边工作边学习吗?

    No. 虽然这个项目的名字有点误导人, students should not be compensated for studying while at their work-study job. These positions are meant to enhance the academic 和 professional development of students while they're in college, 也应该被这样对待.

  • 学生可以有一份以上的工作吗?

    Students are not permitted to be employed in more than one work-study position at a time, 和 work-study may not be utilized in combination with a GTA/GRA within the same quarter or semester.

    然而, students are permitted to hold a work-study position 和 another on-campus non-benefitted position at the same time.


日期、形式 & 资源


  • 2024年5月16日 - Last day semester (law) students can work using their 2023-24 work-study
  • 2024年6月13日 - Last day all other students can work using their 2023-24 work-study
  • 2024年7月1日 - First day students with work-study for 2024-25 can begin working
  • 2024年9月1日 -本校学生接受勤工俭学的截止日期 

形式 & 资源:
