
大学学院 Offers Global Education Through 日语教师计划




DU one of few institutions worldwide approved by 日本ese Ministry of Education

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In the late ’70s 和 early ’80s, Peter Warren — then dean of DU’s 大学学院 -对全球教育有远见. 这个想法, 他称之为“了解美国”,” would be an outreach of the University to other countries. 今天, that vision flourishes through the 日语教师计划, a joint collaboration between 大学学院 和 the 日本ese Ministry of Education.

20多年了, a group of 12 to 15 日本ese junior 和 high school teachers has traveled to Denver to spend eight weeks on DU’s campus improving their English skills. 大学学院 is just one of a h和ful of institutions around the world approved by 日本’s Ministry of Education to offer the training to its teachers. The partnership came about through DU’s sister city relationship with Yamagata, which has helped facilitate 和 promote the 日语教师计划.

Getting to the United States, let alone Denver, is no easy task. Teachers must be nominated by their principal or supervisor 和, in some cases, pay their own way. Add to that the fact that some leave their families behind for eight weeks. 该项目还会扰乱学年, meaning substitute teachers must be brought in to teach students while teachers are out. 到达丹佛后, teachers spend the first two weeks living on campus 和 are then placed with a local family for the remainder of their stay.

As part of the program — which takes place during the summer — teachers spend eight hours each day, 每周五天, learning techniques 和 strategies to improve their teaching skills which, 反过来, helps improve their English 和 that of their students as well.

“The yzcca88游戏登录网址 has a far greater reach globally 和 in our community than many people realize,米歇尔·克鲁斯-克罗克说, 博士学位, 研究部主任, 大学学院的写作和学术项目. “This boutique program is one example of how strongly 大学学院 has been 和 remains dedicated to adult education locally 和 internationally.”

Kruse-Crocker adds that the 日本ese teachers arrive with a low-level fluency of English, which is attributed to 日本’s m和atory teaching of English in elementary school. 根据 日本今天, the dem和 for students 和 teachers to improve their English skills is growing, especially with the country hosting the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo.

“This is a big turning point for 日本 和 the 日本ese people, 因为英语是一门非常国际化的语言. 我们很有动力做这个项目,Kazumi Ito说, 谁是富山人, 日本, 教初中. She left her two daughters 和 husb和 to take part in DU’s program. “作为一名英语老师, our main goal is to enhance 日本ese students’ communication skills in English. I want to learn the strategies that will enhance their writing 和 speaking skills.”

While DU’s program is helping 日本ese teachers do just that, it’s also exposing them to new cultures 和 providing them with experiential learning opportunities.

除了ca88登录正确网址的课堂设置, 老师们参观当地的高中, 大学, universities 和 English as a Second Language 项目, as well as participate in community interactive learning. 在周末, 他们中的一些人去了其他城市, 比如纽约和拉斯维加斯, 感受一下美国文化. 这个过程对双方都有利. Not only do the 日本ese teachers learn from their DU instructors, but those instructors learn more about them 和 the 日本ese culture.

“在日本,缺乏说英语的人是个问题, 和 I want to share the importance of speaking English with my students,菊地英树说, 谁从爱媛来到丹佛, 日本, 留下了一个儿子, 女儿和妻子. 通过学习英语, I have to care about it 和 think about its importance to the 日本ese culture.”

大学学院 has offered adult education since as early as 1936. 读完大学, working adults can pursue a fully accredited educational experience via classes online, 在校园或在方便的结合两者.

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