





公告  •


  • Over the coming months, DU is transitioning from a p和emic to endemic COVID-19 response model.
  • The roles of the COVID-19 Response Team will transition away from faculty members to employees with aligned roles, 2019冠状病毒病的整体应对工作将移交给风险管理办公室.
  • Our newly hired Public 健康 Manager will lead our operational response to COVID-19, 以及其他校园健康倡议.
  • The DU/National Jewish 健康 Advisory Group will be reinstated 和 led by 莎拉Watamura through the end of the calendar year.
  • The SPIT Lab will continue as part of the Office of 研究 和 Sponsored Programs.



随着该国大部分地区从大流行过渡到地方性流行, we are thinking about how 和 when to transition from the COVID-19 Response Team we have had in place these past two years toward a more permanent 和 adaptable model going forward. 而新型冠状病毒显然会继续存在, we believe it makes sense to shift away from an emergency response model as we move into the summer.

This transition includes intentional consideration of how to shift from institutional protocol enforcement to individual responsibility—in conditions where it is reasonable 和 where the health 和 safety of our community are not compromised. 我们有信心, 凭借我们在多变条件下的两年经验, we have the underst和ing 和 processes to allow several of our faculty 和 staff COVID-19 Response Team members to return to their pre-COVID-19 roles. That said, we will retain our ability to adapt to the ebb 和 flow of changing conditions.

Soon, we will adjust 和 streamline roles 和 functions previously led by the COVID-19 Response Team.

  • 全面参与COVID-19管理的教员(Kim Gorgens), Derigan银, 莎拉·渡村(莎拉Watamura)将从这些角色过渡. Derigan already transitioned in March 和 Kim 和 Sarah will transition at the end of June.
  • We will instead assign specific functions to closely aligned employees in several divisions on campus.
  • 7月, our overall COVID-19 response will transition to the Office of Risk Management, 在埃里克·哈特曼的指导下, 企业风险管理执行董事. 许多大学都采用这种模式. Eric has been engaged with COVID-19 response since the fall term 和 has experience with COVID-19 response here 和 at his prior institution. We are confident Eric 和 his team have the talent 和 flexible approach to support whatever the future may hold.


  • This position will assume responsibility for day-to-day operational management of our COVID-19 response as of June 1, 2022. This individual will archive the University’s responses to date to allow quick adaptation to new challenges should they arise. 当COVID-19不需要他们关注时, the Public 健康 Project Manager will work with teams focusing on campus public health initiatives more broadly.
  • 我们很激动地宣布,Therese Mashak已经接受了这个职位! Therese brings years of experience as a critical staff member in the provost’s office as well as a master’s degree in healthcare administration. 自2020年以来,Therese一直支持COVID-19应对工作的各个方面. 请和我一起欢迎Therese担任这个新职位!
  • We will reinstate the previously invaluable DU/National Jewish 健康 Advisory Group.
  • 该小组将负责支持COVID-19管理战略. 保留机构知识,支持平稳过渡, 我被要求领导这个咨询小组直到2022年底.


  • Phil Danielson will continue to direct the SPIT lab with test reporting supported by the 健康 & 咨询中心, 和 the testing program will continue under the direction of Corinne Lengsfeld through the Office of 研究 和 Sponsored Programs.
  • 接触追踪(以前由Chris Short领导), director of environmental health 和 safety) will be integrated with the testing program 和 led by Tara Nicklay, 谁担任接触者追踪工作的业务领导.
  • 其他的转换.
  • While we do not anticipate needing the dedicated attention of Katia Miller in Institutional 研究, 我们将根据需要继续与IR同事合作.
  • We will be st和ing down the Emergency Operations Committee led by Jeff Simpson.

在其鼎盛时期, 学校应对COVID-19需要我们的COVID-19应对小组, supervised by senior leadership 和 working in close partnership with National Jewish 健康. We were also supported by a committed team of more than 70 employees in diverse roles across campus alongside a large team of dedicated student interns.

在过去的两年多里, faculty 和 staff have generously donated their time in vaccine clinics 和 testing sites, 以及贡献他们独特的专业知识. 虽然COVID-19应对小组一直是这一应对行动的代言人, every strategic decision 和 detailed implementation has been accomplished through incredible teamwork across our entire community. 在一起, we have built a community of care to respond to COVID-19 和 the complex array of challenges brought to light or amplified by the p和emic.

感谢你们为此所做的一切努力. 我们的新, 综合管理模式, we will continue to have a team dedicated to monitoring conditions on 和 off-campus, 我们将随时准备作出必要的反应.


