



克里斯托弗·米. ?威特


公告  •



January 15, 2024, will not only serve as the nation’s official annual commemoration of Dr. 马丁·路德·金.同时也是他95岁的生日. In addition to the University holiday, we offer multiple ways to engage on 和 around the day. 每年, this holiday allows us the chance to reflect on 和 discern how we can put forth efforts in the interest of justice 和 equity. 保持博士. 王’s ethos in mind, we also consider all that we can do cooperatively 和 collectively. 今年DEI的主题是“坚持正义”. 金的一生和遗产.     

Beyond his “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963 和 winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, Dr. 王 continues to st和 out in history as a political philosopher 和 master strategist. In times of strife, turmoil 和 injustice, generations will surely look to his example 和 wisdom. 我们每个人都有许多相互交叉的身份, 我们永远不应该忘记,在众多的角色中. 他也是一个牧师,一个丈夫和一个父亲. 刺客的子弹让他离开了这个世界和他的家人, 因为他献身于正义,让我们的世界变得更美好.  

我们生活的这个世界因为他的工作和牺牲而变得更加美好. 王. We best honor him 和 his legacy by continuing the work 和 not st和ing by as the advancements he worked so hard for are rolled back 和/or forgotten. 让这个节日成为我们一年一度的使命,为了人类的利益向正义靠拢. 在杜克大学,我们致力于为公众利益服务. 当我们考虑公共利益时,我们的最终目标是服务. 别忘了考虑各种相交的恒等式, lived experiences 和 perspectives into account as we continue to persist for justice.  

Please accept this message 和 our variety of engagements as offerings of the hope we have for our entire DU community as we persevere throughout the year, 博士. 金的一生都是如此. 参观DEI的部门 Dr. 马丁·路德·金. 2024年纪念网页 我们的节目,当地活动,教育资源和MLK 2024 4D指南. 这些项目以各种方式参与到受博士启发的工作中来. 国王的遗产.

一月星期一. 15、我们将作为DU社区的一员一起游行 丹佛市的游行. 1月2日星期二. 16, 我们有全国种族愈合日小组, featuring affinity group leaders engaging in critical conversations around how to engage in coalition spaces during these complex 和 challenging times. 最后, we encourage you to join us on Tuesday evening as we exp和 these critical conversations with a workshop led by 城市避难所这是当地一家黑人拥有的瑜伽馆.  



克里斯托弗·米. ?威特博士
