




公告  •


作为我们周围社区的缩影, institutions of higher education are not immune to complex political 和 social issues. We – like many other colleges 和 universities - are seeing these realities play out on our campus. 也就是说, times of challenge give us the opportunity to come 在一起 和 bring out the best in our world, 我们的国家和我们的DU社区. 

就像我在过去的一周里多次分享的那样, the University of Denver remains deeply committed to free expression 和 pluralism. 学生的声音是DU体验的重要组成部分, 我们感谢那些和平地, 热情而恭敬地表达了他们的观点. 

然而, we have received reports of behavior that may be discriminatory 和 harassing by encampment 和 non-encampment participants, 并已向我们的平等机会办公室报告 & 第九条审查. We will be looking carefully 和 thoroughly into these matters 和 will act as appropriate under our procedures. 除了, we have become aware of a video containing remarks made by a professor while engaged with the protest encampment on campus. While we support freedom of expression, some of the professor's remarks crossed a line. 特别是, it is wholly unacceptable for a 教师 or staff member to speak about or to a student in the manner he did, 学校否认了他的评论.   

至关重要的是,所有歧视和骚扰事件 报告 机会平等和教育法第九条办公室(EOIX). 关心环境的学生, 教师, or anyone else involved in their DU experience can reach out to Student Affairs by submitting a 学生权利与责任事件报告 寻求帮助和支持. 

在我们支持言论自由的努力中, DU为学生提供了许多自由表达的机会, 我们的政策允许露营, 只要他们是安全的,不干扰我们的12人,000+学生学习或大学运作. Frequent identification checks are paramount to maintaining safety within free expression activities, 在演讲者活动和其他自由表达活动中,我们经常需要身份证. 

选择违反大学政策不是一种自由表达的形式, 而是非暴力反抗, 这样的选择会导致纪律处分. 本着这种精神, the University has begun issuing interim actions (discipline) for students participating in the encampment who have chosen to violate University policy 和 the student honor code. 在这种情况下, actions can range from warnings 和 location restrictions to interim suspensions 和 trespass violations. University policies 和 potential disciplinary consequences have been provided to encampment participants 和 the broader campus community, 从上周开始. Any student who has violated the University's rules around the encampment has done so willingly, 并且知道他们的行为会有后果. 

最后,在ca88登录正确网址的校园里,任何形式的破坏行为都是不可接受的. 作为一个社区, 我们共享这些美丽的空间,我们尊重它们, 在一起, to ensure they may serve as a home 和 house of learning for many generations to come.  

前进, we have an opportunity to model what free expression can look like at a university, 更是如此, to advance our University culture by engaging in passionate 和 thoughtful debate while respecting 和 showing empathy for one another. We hope all involved on all sides of this complex issue will choose to move forward in a way that embraces the true intent of free expression 和 reflects the values of this great University community. 




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