




Dan Linseman与学生一起研究ALS和老年痴呆症

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yzcca88游戏登录网址的一个实验室里, sophomore Cassidy Anderson is busy experimenting with pyrroloquinoline quinone, 绿茶中的一种化合物, 辣椒, 以及某些发酵食品. PQQ, 众所周知, has the potential to protect brain cells against the damage that causes neurodegenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, 也被称为卢伽雷氏症)和阿尔茨海默氏症.

“It’s really cool to see the science behind what we learn in class,安德森说。, 谁希望上医学院. “And as a doctor someday, I’ll better underst和 the mechanisms behind diagnosis 和 treatment.”

Anderson works in the Linseman lab, where there’s rarely a dull moment. 由Dan Linseman教授领导 生物科学系 和 诺贝尔健康老龄化研究所, a team of undergraduate 和 graduate researchers is trying to determine how nutraceuticals — food components used for medicinal purposes — might protect the neurons in the brain that underlie neurodegenerative diseases. 研究人员对咖啡进行了研究, 绿茶, 草莓, 黑莓, 迷迭香, dark chocolate 和 more in the search for neuroprotective properties.

“We’re looking for compounds from natural substances that protect against inflammation 和 neural death, 哪两个是神经退行性疾病的潜在原因,林森曼解释道.

给在他实验室工作的16名本科生, it’s an invaluable opportunity to gain h和s-on experience exploring real-world problems, serving as excellent preparation for pursuing graduate 和 medical degrees 和 embarking on professional careers.

“学生们对一切都很陌生, 但当他们离开的时候, they are seasoned undergraduate researchers with a real notion of what it means to do basic research,林森曼说. “I like seeing students excited about the research 和 feeling like they are contributing.”

Linseman has published numerous 纸s over the years with his undergraduate researchers 和 has paved the way for them to attend scientific conferences 和 symposiums. 他们甚至有机会与渐冻症患者互动, giving them a look at the human face behind the drive for medical treatments.

对于高年级学生莉莉娅·科扎来说,人性的一面引起了强烈的共鸣. “I worked in a nursing home throughout high school, so healthy aging is important to me,” she says. “这是每个人都必须面对的事情.”

主修生物学,主修认知神经科学, Koza fell in love with research after she began working on nutraceuticals in the lab last year. 她计划从ca88登录正确网址毕业后继续攻读博士学位.

“What I like about research is going out on a limb 和 finding niche projects,” she says.

托德Savolt, 大四生物专业, is testing compounds from dragon fruit to see if they protect neurons from inflammation 和 stress that leads to cell death. 他计划明年上医学院.

“The best part of working in the lab for me has been to take what I learn in class 和 apply it,他说. “And it’s helpful when applying to medical school to show that you have practical experience.”

Linseman says that 草莓 和 黑莓 are proving to be particularly promising in the search for neuroprotective properties. Anthocyanins — the chemicals that give berries their rich color — act as antioxidants inside the body 和 ward off disease. 他最近出版了  自由基生物学 & Medicine analyzing how two different anthocyanins found in 草莓 和 黑莓 might function as therapeutic agents.

In December 2016, Linseman received a $50,000 gift from the Ralph L. 史密斯的基础. The gift will help him 和 his team continue investigating possible treatment paths for neurodegenerative diseases, 特别是肌萎缩性侧索硬化症. And it will ensure that more students continue to benefit from research opportunities that launch careers in science.

艾米·温特就是一个很好的例子. She began working in the lab as an undergraduate 和 stayed at DU to earn a doctorate in cell 和 molecular biology. She’s now heading to a postdoctoral appointment at the University of South Florida.

“Working in the Linseman lab has been a great experience 和 has helped open doors for me,” she says. “Dan is a great mentor who takes time to help students examine what’s best for them 和 determine how to get there.”

这是DU的核心任务 自然科学与数学学部 is to offer students unprecedented access to research opportunities. By working alongside distinguished faculty mentors in state-of-the-art facilities, undergraduates 和 graduates are able to apply their newfound knowledge to research that changes lives 和 challenges ideas.