






Recognizing 和 honoring DU’s diverse community is an important part of our collective identity. 今年五月,我们庆祝 亚太岛民德裔美国人传统月.

为了纪念亚洲人的贡献, 太平洋岛民和德西美国人, we also acknowledge the lived experiences of members of these communities, 无论是过去还是现在. 这包括意义深远的成就, 充满活力的文化贡献和, 不幸的是, 面对仇恨的挑战, violence 和 racism—the likes of which we have seen a dramatic rise in recent months.

当我们提升交叉身份在亚洲, 太平洋岛民和德西美国传统月, we celebrate the contributions of those who have made an impact on our society 和 culture. We use this month to think of contributions like those of civil rights activist 和 Denver community leader Minoru Yasui, 谁挑战了日裔美国人在美国的拘留.S. 最高法院. When we think of the revolution of online education 和 tutoring, 我们认识萨尔·汗, 可汗学院和校舍的创造者.世界. 亚太裔美国运动员, 比如两届奥运会奖牌得主和ca88登录正确网址校友, 关颖珊, 以及NCAA一级游泳运动员和LGBTQ+活动家, 斯凯勒Bailar, 他们的优秀给我们留下深刻印象. Stories come to life on screen because of the creativity 和 artistry of Chloé Zhao, 一位屡获殊荣的华裔美国电影制作人. 当我们想到我们自己的惊人成就时 科罗拉多州的社区, 我们有请杜校友Shauna Medeiros-Tuilaepa, chair of the Denver 亚裔美国人 和 太平洋岛民 Commission 和 owner/operator of No Ke Aloha, 一家当地的夏威夷和波利尼西亚餐厅.

本月初, 听听我们社区成员的意见, 遗产月倡议, 与Community + Values合作, 主持了一个名为 亚裔美国人, 太平洋岛民 和 Desi American: A Collective of Whose Convenience? You can view the recording of the event on the University’s YouTube channel. The panelists discussed the tensions that emerge as Asian 和 Pacific American communities organize pan-ethnic coalitions while simultaneously celebrating the diversity of their individual ethnic histories, 遗产与传统. We urge you to watch the event to hear the stories of struggle 和 success, 隐形和超意识, 在边缘经营和归属.

As we conclude Asian 太平洋岛民 Desi American Heritage Month, 我们想强调这一点, 作为我们对公众利益持续奉献的一部分, we will continue to build a community 和 culture that uplifts, 庆祝, 和 recognizes the strength 和 beauty of our diverse community. 我们想表达谢意, empathy 和 reverence for our Asian 和 Pacific American community members. Your contributions make the DU community a better place to learn, live 和 work.







Leslie Brunelli, senior vice chancellor for business 和 financial affairs

Paul Chan, vice chancellor for legal affairs 和 general counsel

Vivek Choudhury,丹尼尔斯商学院院长

Karlton Creech, vice chancellor for athletics, recreation 和 里奇中心 operations

Andrei Kutateladze, dean, College of Natural Sciences 和 Mathematics

Michael Levine-Clark,大学图书馆院长

Jerron Lowe,人力资源临时副校长

Fritz Mayer, dean, Josef Korbel School of International Studies


Michael McGuire,大学学院院长

Daniel McIntosh, dean, College of Arts, Humanities 和 Social Sciences

Renea Morris, vice chancellor for marketing 和 communications


Stephanie O’Malley, associate vice chancellor for government 和 community relations



Michelle Sabick, dean, Daniel Felix Ritchie School of Engineering 和 Computer Scienc


Shelly Smith-Acuña, dean, Graduate School of Professional Psychology

Gary Starling, interim vice chancellor 和 chief information technology officer


Christopher Whitt, vice chancellor for diversity, equity 和 inclusion



Join us for a 遗产月 initiative in partnership with C+V

How does one combine some of the largest populations in the 世界 into a collective 和 celebrate their individual histories 和 traditions in a single month? 这就是AAPIDA遗产月的挑战, ,庆祝, 亚裔美国人, 太平洋岛民, 和德西美国遗产. While some of these populations are immigrants who moved to America 和 brought their identity 和 culture with them, others are indigenous to l和s that were colonized by westward expansion into the Pacific. Join us to hear the stories of struggle 和 success; 隐形和超意识; 在边缘经营和归属.




The yzcca88游戏登录网址 is committed to living our values of diversity 和 inclusion. Our community 和 institutional success is dependent on how well we engage 和 embrace the rich diversity of our faculty, 工作人员, 管理员, 学生及校友.

带着共同的价值观 和 in partnership with Human 资源 & 包容性社区(中国人权), 多样性办公室, 股本, 与包容(ODEI), 文化中心, 和有色人种协会(SOCA), we will celebrate the identities 和 histories of members of the DU 和 世界 communities. 每个月我们都会 feature a 工作人员 or faculty member 和 a student in recognition of each heritage month, along with an event to honor one another 和 learn about our unique differences.


Propose a Program or Highlight a DU Community Member for 遗产月

The yzcca88游戏登录网址 is committed to living our values of diversity 和 inclusion. We recognize that our community 和 institutional success is dependent on how well we engage 和 embrace the rich diversity of our faculty, 工作人员, 管理员, 学生, 和校友. 带着共同的价值观, 整个学年, we plan to publish a series of articles to celebrate cultural 和 ethnic heritage months. 与人力资源部合作 & 包容性社区(中国人权), 多样性办公室, 股本, 与包容(ODEI), 文化中心, 社区+价值观(C+V), 和有色人种协会(SOCA), we will feature a 工作人员 or faculty member 和 a student in recognition of each heritage month, along with an event to honor one another 和 learn about our unique differences.

也, if you are aware of any events that are happening on campus or have an idea for Heritage Month events, 我们很乐意听取他们的意见,并在全校范围内推广他们.
