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yzcca88游戏登录网址的学生将体验到许多变革型领导, exploration 和 community-building 项目 at the James C. 肯尼迪山校区感谢安迪(BSBA ' 70)和芭芭拉·泰勒的慷慨. 泰勒夫妇最近为肯尼迪山校区的规划和运营提供了支持,这将确保杜学生体验到杜的整体教育方法,这是杜的一个标志——4D体验.

In recognition of their $20 million gift, DU will name the 安迪和芭芭拉·泰勒 Upper Camp at the 坚尼地山校园 in their honor. The Taylor Upper Camp will become the central, physical hub for all student living, dining 和 activity at the mountain campus.  

这份来自安迪和芭芭拉·泰勒夫妇的重要礼物帮助yzcca88游戏登录网址的学生获得了他们所需要的教育定义经验,” says Chancellor Jeremy Haefner. 我们的詹姆斯·C. Kennedy Mountain campus is a cornerstone of DU’s unique 4D Experience, through which our students advance their intellectual growth, 促进健康, explore their character 和 pursue careers 和 lives of purpose. 我们非常感谢泰勒夫妇对这种全人教育方法的支持和投资.”

Established in Fall 2021, the 724-acre 坚尼地山校园 允许DU利用自然作为教育和角色探索的媒介. 杜是全国唯一一所为所有学生提供城市和山区学习体验的大学. 肯尼迪山校区将提高学生的体验,并提供让教职员工参与学习的项目, team-building 和 other development opportunities.

吉姆·肯尼迪非常慷慨地为肯尼迪山校区提供了第一份礼物, 芭芭拉和我立刻意识到这将改变DU的游戏规则,我们想要帮助支持它,安迪·泰勒说。. “Through the Mountain 校园, students of all backgrounds, 能力和兴趣将有机会进入一个独特的位置,以进一步探索和建立自己的性格和领导能力, which will be invaluable to them in the future.”

在这个独特的自然环境中,距离DU丹佛校区西北约两小时车程, 学生们沉浸在杜的整体教育方法- 4D体验. The four integrated dimensions of advancing intellectual growth, 探索的性格, 促进福祉和追求事业目标指导着山上的每一个项目和活动, just as they do on the urban campus.

Programs of the 坚尼地山校园, which are funded through the Taylors’ gift, 将为学生服务, faculty 和 staff of all backgrounds 和 experience levels. They will find opportunities to connect with others, 提高他们的幸福感,建立将持续一生的领导技能. Signature 项目 of the campus include the First-Year Student Experience, Outdoor Adventure 和 Leadership, 幸福与娱乐, 和 Sustainability 和 Stewardship.

The First-Year Student Experience 是完全包容的吗?, 体验式项目,将即将ca88登录正确网址的学生聚集在一起,发展联系, 建立社区, 作为个体接受挑战,培养韧性,这对教育和日常生活至关重要.

Outdoor Adventure 和 Leadership includes a suite of leadership development experiences, developed in partnership with Colorado Outward Bound, 这将为学生提供作为个人和团队探索和成长的机会. 学生全年将前往肯尼迪山校区参加各种各样的领导力课程, including the Pioneer Leadership Program, 学生会, fraternity 和 sorority life, living 和 learning communities 和 more.

幸福与娱乐 项目 make the most of the pristine natural environment, offering students ample opportunity to re-energize, 恢复和充电. 健康和无障碍娱乐项目将帮助学生发现健康和持久的方式,从日常生活的喧嚣中退后一步,以茁壮成长.

Sustainability 和 Stewardship 项目范围从与学术课程相结合的实地研究到通过小径修复和其他环境管理来回馈的实践机会,展示了这个独特地区在可持续发展实践和体验式教育方面的卓越表现.

“泰勒夫妇富有远见的礼物将为DU社区体验肯尼迪山校区所提供的一切铺平道路,托德·亚当斯说。, vice chancellor of student affairs. “他们在运营和项目上的投资确保了所有人都能享受4D体验, 为学生提供身临其境的山地体验,补充和提高他们的学术和课外追求.”

The Taylors’ investment in these 和 other 项目, in addition to the operational functions of the campus, 将立即提供捐赠资金,以确保肯尼迪山校区将永远成为ca88登录正确网址学生全人教育的关键项目工具. 安迪·泰勒和詹姆斯·C. 肯尼迪, for whom the 坚尼地山校园 is named, were classmates during their time at DU.

安迪和芭芭拉·泰勒 are long-time supporters of the University, 他们最近的礼物扩展了他们对学生体验的持久承诺. In 2012, their generosity established the Taylor Family Undergraduate Career Center in Daniels College of Business, 他们的巨额奖学金为来自弱势群体的本科生提供了机会. 安迪·泰勒对学生成功的承诺也体现在他在丹尼尔斯商学院的志愿者工作中. In 2016, DU presented him with the John Evans Award, the University’s highest alumni award at the time, in recognition of his outst和ing achievement, humanitarian service 和 demonstrated commitment to DU.

Taylor is executive chairman of 企业控股有限公司是企业租车、国家租车和阿拉莫租车品牌的母公司. His leadership of the company, one of the largest private companies in the country, has earned accolades from the U.S. 旅游领袖堂、商务旅游名人堂、哈佛商业评论等.