
The 新兴数字实践 program (EDP) is a groundbreaking fusion of digital art, design, culture, 科技致力于建设一个更美好的世界.

In EDP, our visionary work combines creative making and critical thinking. Our faculty and students seek to better understand emerging technologies and their impacts on cultures and ecologies. 我们在实际操作中使用这些技术, collaborative environment to contribute to more meaningful and equitable communities.

We thrive at the intersection of the liberal arts, humanities, and sciences. 我们的教师和学生汇集了包容性的数字设计, 电子和新媒体艺术与技术, and creative coding to contribute to our investigations of culture and society, 艺术与科学, 媒体哲学, 科幻小说, 全球政治, 以及社会公正.

如果你对数字艺术和理论有热情, 认为自己是一个具有创造性和批判性的思考者, 你会在EDP领域大展身手, 消解艺术家之间的界限, designers, 学者和发明家. The EDP program prepares you to work in innovative, undefined, and unfamiliar technological spaces. 你会发展出独特的技能, 愿景与目标, and a commitment to the public good that will prove valuable in a wide range of future opportunities.


EDP is for critical thinkers who want to expand the potential of technology in art, 设计和文化:
  • painting-icon


  • 电脑图标


  • Globe Icon



Undergraduate students explore new digital technologies to develop creative projects informed by critical thinking through the BA, 本科或辅修新兴数字实践专业.

学士学位和辅修学位, 你会了解这些想法, cultures, and people that shape our current technological landscape alongside a second major or minor. 你将在一个协作的环境中工作, creating complex and expressive works with digital tools such as data visualizations, 虚拟现实体验和沉浸式装置. 作为一个博鳌亚洲论坛的学生, you'll delve more deeply into these topics and extend your work into a fine arts-focused practice, 在博物馆为公众观众创作作品, 画廊和其他创意空间.

无论你毕业后选择什么道路——继续深造, 职业生涯, social activism or nonprofit service—our unique combination of applied critical thinking, 创新技术和社会参与将帮助你茁壮成长.





作为一名研究生, you'll imagine new possibilities for digital technologies through an MA or MFA degree in 新兴数字实践.

硕士学位为你提供了发展批判性思维的机会, technical and artistic skills by creating new technological applications that build on your undergraduate field of study and professional experience. 在MFA学位, you'll focus on creating an art and design practice that is critically and socially engaged, preparing for a career of professional practice in media arts and design.

Our graduate degrees challenge you to think and create with purpose—to become new leaders in the development and application of the emerging, 未曾尝试过的, 以及那些原本无法想象的新媒体,它们将塑造我们的未来.





“I picked DU because I was really attracted to the 新兴数字实践 department. It is the application of new media tools and techniques in an artistic setting.”


4+1 BA & MA

If you're seeking a comprehensive degree that brings together our undergraduate and graduate curriculum, 考虑我们的4+1 BA & MA program. 在这个节目中, you'll delve deeply into your coursework and develop a final thesis that demonstrates your knowledge and practices to your committee and future employers. 

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我们的学生连接艺术, technology and design through critical research practices and creative projects. BA student Ashley Kneemueller is an environmental scientist and digital artist whose work combines her two passions and criticizes the impacts of the Anthropocene on both ecological and human longevity. Kneemueller的BA Capstone项目, “Newscape,探讨了24小时新闻循环对情绪的影响. MFA学生珍惜Marquez创造了一款探索性游戏, 赔率的位置, 在红线当代艺术中心展出的作品. 马尔克斯的项目, a piece of interactive art which applies knowledge of game design and creative coding, investigates important social and historical contexts of border towns and immigration. 在这种沉浸式体验中, players cross a desert and then play the odds of a slot machine in an attempt to cross the border.

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We foster numerous community connections that allow us to draw from the ingenuity and perspectives of a wider community while making major contributions of our own.

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我们的校友继续在不同领域的职业生涯, 从游戏设计到互动媒体再到艺术与设计教学. Our alumni are artists and educators, including Morehshin Allahyari, MA '09. Allahyari creates art in multiple media, including sculpture, installation, 3D printing and sound. Allahyari's 艺术与教学 explore technology "as a philosophical toolset to reflect on objects and as a poetic means to document our personal and collective lives and struggles."

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Our Mission

在新兴数字实践中, we are dedicated to creative and research practices at the leading edges of knowledge, 为公共利益服务的艺术和技术. We are committed to practices that enable new strategies for dialogue and collaboration across a wide range of techno-cultural forms and disciplines. Interdisciplinary fluidity prompted us to create the 新兴数字实践 program, merging the University's former Digital Media Studies and Electronic Media Arts & 设计程序.

Our 20-plus year foundation of robust and dynamic presence in technology, art and academia ranges from the institutional and local to the national and international. We are dedicated to delivering innovative curriculum built around the virtues of creativity, 批判性思维和协作. We regard the stewardship of these values as the measure of our students’ well-being, and we foster them by engaging locally in service to the public good as well as through national and international partnerships in service to a sustainable, 全球的未来.


Creativity: 我们对艺术的态度 & 学术实践鼓励实验, 为公益事业创新和培养新经验. 

批判性思维: 我们以文化为导向的艺术、研究 & 奖学金是由包容的伦理道德驱动的, 平等获得公平的技术, 环境可持续性和全球视角.

合作: 我们的合作模式激发了学院的跨学科性, 社区参与, 以及从地方到全球的长期和可持续的伙伴关系. 


