
We know that even a small number of important relationships make a consequential difference in one’s life 和 education. That’s why the yzcca88游戏登录网址 is committed to ensuring that every student has a relationship-rich education. Our 4D Mentoring 和 Advising Constellation is meant to provide students with the holistic support that we know is critical to their success.  

在杜, students build out their individualized constellations, 基于他们独特的兴趣, 需要, 和目标. 这些导师, 顾问, 和 other supporters help students explore who they are, 激励他们实现目标, 增强他们的信心, provide access to opportunities 和 chart purpose-driven pathways forward. 这是一个持续参与的过程, connection 和 empowerment that sets the stage for lifelong thriving.  

This is our invitation to a journey – a journey of growth 和 development, 由全体教员培育, 工作人员, peers 和 alumni that make DU so special.  


集体, the individuals in your constellation offer different forms of support, ranging from emotional support to resource access to feedback to academic 和 professional development. Each form of support is critical to ensuring your growth 和 success. 在某些情况下, a mentor or advisor might provide you with multiple forms of support; in others, you may find that different people fill those roles.  

Check out the constellation map to explore the holistic support that your constellation may provide 和 to determine ways that you might exp和 your constellation to address any unmet 需要.


Interested in seeking guidance when it comes to particular 需要 和 questions? Check out just some of the ways in which the DU community may support you.


你的 FSEM faculty mentor 随时准备帮助您:

  • Mapping your intellectual path as a college student 
  • 适应ca88登录正确网址的学术生活 
  • Planning for classes 和 major/minor selection 
  • 访问校园内的资源 

职业生涯 & 专业发展

你的 career advisor 随时准备帮助您: 

  • Exploring different majors or 项目 和 career paths 
  • 写简历或简历  
  • 搜索ing for an internship, on-campus job, 和/or job after graduation 
  • Planning for graduate school 和 preparing applications 
  • Learning how to connect with DU alumni, mentors 和 others that can help you with your career journey 
  • Preparing for interviews 和 offer negotiation 


健康 & 咨询中心(HCC)


  • 获得医疗服务.
  • Securing counseling or therapy services.
  • Gaining strategies for improving well-being 和 practicing healthy behaviors.
  • 从创伤经历中治愈.
  • Sustaining recovery through peer support 和 activities.




你的 学术顾问 随时准备帮助您: 

  • Exploring your interests, goals, 和 abilities, 和 connecting them to your academic majors/minor. 
  • Reviewing your progress toward graduation. 
  • Underst和ing DU academic policies 和 procedures.  
  • 连接校园资源.  
  • Completing course selection 和 clearance for next quarter registration.  


A 学生成功教练 随时准备帮助您: 

  • Identifying 和 creating an action plan for achieving your goals.  
  • Developing your academic study, organization, 和 time-management skills. 
  • Connecting to campus 和 community resources, opportunities, 和 affinity groups. 
  • Discovering your interests, passions, 和 motivations. 

Learn More About Student Success Coaching


你的 financial aid advisor 随时准备帮助您: 

  • Exploring types of financial aid available 和 applying for financial aid. 
  • Accepting 和 managing your financial aid package. 
  • 寻求暑期助学金. 
  • Accessing resources to support financial management 和 wellness. 
  • Learning more about managing 和 repaying loans. 


Office of International Education (OIE)

你的 study abroad advisor 随时准备帮助您: 

  • Discussing 和 exploring study abroad opportunities. 
  • Exploring the variety of study abroad options that exist, 包括实习, 实地研究, 志愿服务, 和更多的. 
  • Learning about opportunities to live 和 work abroad after graduation.
  • Identifying financial 和 diversity resources to help you prepare for your unique study abroad experience. 
